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The healing powers of nature: energetic influences of plants and flowers in the home
Discover the hidden power of nature in your home with the energetic wisdom of plants and flowers. Learn how the careful selection and placement of greenery in your living spaces can create not only...
Learning meditation: The path to inner peace and serenity
This blog post offers a comprehensive look into the world of meditation, its different forms and how to start practicing. It serves as a guide for beginners and a reminder for those already on this...
Buddhist wisdom: The path to inner happiness and self-understanding
This blog post provides a gentle introduction to Buddhist psychology, its principles and practices, and how they can help us develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our pursuit of happiness...
In the world of spirituality and energy work, the "aura" is a term that is often surrounded with mysticism and mystery. But what exactly is meant by an aura and why is it important to u...
The Depth of Spiritual Terms: More than just words, but tools for the soul
Prana, Om, Chakra and other spiritual terms are not just words, but energetic tools for our inner journey and spiritual practice. They connect us to universal energies and inner truth, guiding us f...
"Song of India" embodies the art and tradition of producing essential oils, extracting pure and diverse scents through methods such as steam distillation and cold pressing. These oils offer a wide ...
Harmonizing the Inner: A deep insight into chakra theory and the balancing power of gemstones
Dive into the world of chakras and gemstones with our comprehensive guide in the Iris Aura Shop. Learn about the seven main chakras, their meanings, and how specially selected gemstones can be used...
The Art of Energetic Care: How to effectively discharge, cleanse and charge gemstones
In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, gemstones are powerful energetic tools that can support our spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. To maintain their full strength and purity, ca...
The magic of healing stones: natural powers for body, mind and soul
Healing stones are natural minerals with a variety of healing effects. They promote well-being by having a harmonizing effect on body and mind. From amethyst for calming and spiritual growth to tur...
Gongs for Healing: An ocean of tones and sounds
The gong, an ancient healing instrument, is now used in a variety of ways for healing and well-being. Its full spectrum of sounds creates vibrations in every part of the body, promoting harmony and...
Discover the healing power of nature: Bach flowers for harmony and well-being
Bach flowers, developed by Dr. Edward Bach, offer a natural therapy to heal people, not just illnesses. With a standard dosage of 4 drops, 4 times daily, these flower essences can balance a variety...
Healing stones in glass tubes - the special water
In our latest blog post we present our unique collection "Healing Stones in Glass Tubes". These specially selected healing stones help improve various aspects of your well-being - from r...