News and interesting topics

In the lines of this blog, the soul whispers, shares wisdom and invites you to explore the depths of the spiritual.
Die Magie der Klangschalen: Eine Reise durch Klang und Stille

The magic of singing bowls: A journey through sound and silence

Experience the healing sounds of singing bowls, which have been used as instruments of meditation and relaxation for centuries. On our blog, discover the rich history and careful craftsmanship that...

DankbarkeitErntedank: Dankbarkeitsrituale und spirituelle Reflexion

Thanksgiving: Gratitude Rituals and Spiritual Reflection

Thanksgiving is more than just a celebration of the physical gifts of the earth. It is also a time of gratitude and reflection where we can recognize our blessings and set our intentions for the fu...

AchtsamkeitSelbstpflege und Spiritualität: Ein Weg zur Selbstliebe

Self-Care and Spirituality: A Path to Self-Love

Discover the transformative power of spirituality in self-care and how it can pave the path to self-love. Learn about practices like meditation, mindfulness, and energetic healing that not only enh...

Aktive MeditationMeditation Lernen: Der Weg zu Innerer Ruhe und Gelassenheit

Learning meditation: The path to inner peace and serenity

This blog post offers a comprehensive look into the world of meditation, its different forms and how to start practicing. It serves as a guide for beginners and a reminder for those already on this...

buddhistische PsychologieBuddhistische Weisheiten: Der Weg zu innerem Glück und Selbstverständnis

Buddhist wisdom: The path to inner happiness and self-understanding

This blog post provides a gentle introduction to Buddhist psychology, its principles and practices, and how they can help us develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our pursuit of happiness...

Chau GangGongs für Healing: Ein Ozean von Tönen und Klängen

Gongs for Healing: An ocean of tones and sounds

The gong, an ancient healing instrument, is now used in a variety of ways for healing and well-being. Its full spectrum of sounds creates vibrations in every part of the body, promoting harmony and...